What, I should only trust good people? man, good people get bought and sold every day. Might as well trust somebody evil once in a while, it makes no more or less sense. I mean I wouldn't give odds either way.Inherent Vice
Monday, May 31, 2010
Inherent Vice
Thomas Pynchon
is a pleasant read, and probably one of Pynchon's more accessible books. For a person born almost thirty years after the sixties came to a close, Inherent Vice
is about as close as one can come to understanding Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
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Stolen Words--Thomas Mallon
The Enemies of Promise--Cryil Connolly
Contrarian Investment Strategy--David Dreman
Passage to Juneau--Raban
Maps to Anywhere--Bernard Cooper
Generation X--Douglas Coupland
Cambodia: A Book for People Who Find Television to Slow--Brian Fawcett
Stop-Time--Frank Conroy
A Fan's Notes--Frederick Exley
The Mezzanine, Pigeon Feathers--Nicholson Baker
The Book of Disquiet--Pessoa
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again--David Foster Wallace
Shuffle--Leonard Michaels
Smoking Diaries--Simon Gray
Great Topics of the World--Albert Goldbarth
A Mother in History--Jean Stafford
The Motion of Light in Water--Samuel Delaney
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon--Rebecca West
One Person and Another--Richard Stern
The Shadow, Venetian Suite--Sophie Calle
10:01--Lance Olson
Speedboat--Renata Adler
Ghosts in the Mirror--Robbe Grillet
The Unquiet Grave--Cyril Connolly
The Book of Embraces--Eduardo Galeano
A History of Bombing--Sven Lindqvist
Studies in Classic American Literature--D H Lawrence
The Queen's Throat--Wayne Koestenbaum
U & I--Nicholson Baker
Out of Sheer Rage--Geoff Dyer
Eros the Bittersweet--Anne Carson
S/Z--Roland Barthes
Gogol--V Nabokov
Proust--S Beckett
Against Interpretation--Susan Sontag
Essays of Elia--Charles Lamb
Within the Context of No Context--W S Trow
Swimming to Cambodia--Spalding Gray
Without You I'm Nothing--Sandra Bernhard
No Cure for Cancer--Denis Leary
Only the Truth is Funny--Rick Reynolds
The Lover--Duras
Boomerang--Barry Hannah
Correction--Thomas Bernhard
Immortality--Milan Kundera
Elizabeth Costello--J M Coetzee
Adolphe--Benjamin Constant
Stone Upon Stone--Wieslaw Mysliwski
I Hotel--Karen Tei Yamashita
Studies in the Art of Rat-Catching--Henry C Barkley
Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtons--John Poole
What is All This?--Stephen Dixon
Jacques the Fatalist and His Master--Denis Diderot
Aura, Terra Nostra--Carlos Fuentes
The Babysitter--Robert Coover
The History of English Prose Rhythm--George Saintsbury
The Autumn of the Patriarch--Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Obscene Bird of Night--Jose Donoso
Conversation in the Cathedral, The Green House--Mario Vargas Llosa
Three Trapped Tigers--Cabrera Infante
Paradiso--Lezama Lima
Makbara--Juan Goytisolo
Short Letter Long Farewell--Peter Handke
Wittgenstein's Nephew, Extinction--Thomas Bernhard
The Awful Mess on Via Merulana--Carlo Emilio Gadda
Close to Knives--D Wojnorowicz
Les Nuits de Paris--Restif de la Bretonne
Paris Peasants--Louis Aragon
Street Haunting--Virginia Wolf
Chromos--Felipe Alfay
The Prince of Darkness--J F Powers
From Cubism to Suprematism--Kazimir Malevich
Beggar's Opera, Trivia--John Gay
The Uncommercial Traveler--Charles
Arcades Project--Walter Benjamin
Mohicans du Paris--Alexander Dumas
Nadja--Andre Breton
The Cult of the Serpent--Balaji Mundkur
The Biophilia Hypothesis--Wilson and Kellert
Biophilia--A O Wilson
Discourse on Method--Descartes
Six Walks in Fictional Woods--Umberto Eco
Steps on Life's Way--Soren Kierkegaard
A Tomb for Boris Davidovich--Danilo Kis
Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf--John Muir
Tramps Across the Continent--Charles Lumis
Tracks--Robyn Davidson
Roads to Sato--Alan Booth
The Way of the Pilgrim
Diary of Climbing Mt Sinai--Egeria
Conquistadors of the Useless--Lionel Terray
The Mountain of My Fear--David Roberts
Shank's Pony--Morris Marples
Walking Up and Down in the World--Smoke Blanchard
The Narrow Road to the Deep North--Ba Sho
Mountains and Rivers without End--Gary Snyder
I Heard You Paint Houses--Charles Brandt
Death and Life in Great American Cities--Jane Jacobs
The Pathless Way--Michael Cohen
I Travel By Train--Rollo Walter Brown
The Job Hunter--Allen R Dodd Jr
The Poetry Lesson--Andrei Codrescu
A Need for Roots, Gravity and Grace--Simone Weil
Inequality Reexamined--Amartya Sen
World as I Found It--Bruce Duffy
Reality Hunger--Daniel Shields
The Gentle Art of Tramping--Stephen Graham
A Naked Singularity--Sergio De La Pava
The Art of Memory--Francis Yates
In Search of Lost Time--Marcel Proust
Touching the Rock--John M Tull
In the Palaces of Memory--George Johnson
Pentimento--Lillian Hellman
House of Leaves--Mark Danielewski
As I Remember Him--Hans Zinsser
The Man with a Shattered World, The Mind of the Mnemonist--Luria
Division Street: America--Studs Terkel
The Wretched of the Earth--Fanon
Reflections on Violence--Sorel
The Warriors--J Glenn Gray
Jakob von Gunten--Robert Walser
I Am a Cat--Natsume Soseki
Confessions of Zeno, As a Man Grows Older--Suevo
Too Loud a Solitude--Hrabal
Journey Around My Room--Xavier de Maistre
Max Havelaar--Multatuli
The Very Strange and Exact Truth--Ben Piazza
The Wonder-Worker--Dan Jacobson
The Theory of the Leisure Class--Thorstein Veblen
Regarding the Pain of Others--Susan Sontag
Teachings of Don Juan--Carlos Castenada
Meetings with Remarkable Men--G I Gurdseiv
New Model of the Universe--P D Ospensky
Crazy about Bellingham--Dan Carrigan
Disaffiliated Man--Bogue
The Hobo: Sociology of the Homeless Man--Nels Anderson
Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression, Leopards in the Temple--Morris Dickstein
The Weather Fifteen Years Ago--Wolf Haas
Other Electricities--Ander Monson
The Aesthetic of Resistance--Peter Weiss
At the Mind's Limit--Jean Amery
Retribution--Gert Ledig
The Law of War--Jorg Friedrich
Nekyia--Hans Erich Nossack
The City Beyond the River--Hermann Kasack
The Air Raid on Halberstadt--Alexander Kluge
The Body of Pain--Elaine Scarry
The Angel Was Silent--Heinrich Boll
Images in Spite of All--Georges Didi-Huberman
The Civil Contract of Photography--Ariella Azoulay
Language Made Plain--Anthony Burgess
The System of Vienna--Gert Jonke
Martin Eden, Burning Daylight, The Star Rover, John Barleycorn--Jack London
You Have Seen Their Faces--Erskine Caldwell
Writing on the Wall Trilogy--Miklos Banffy
A Holy Tradition of Working--Eric Gill
The Personalist Manifesto--Emmanuel Mounier
The Autobiography of a Catholic Anarchist--Ammon Hennacy
Nazareth or Social Chaos--Fr Vincent McNabb
Over the Edge--Martha Burt
New Homeless and Old--Charles Hoch and Robert Slayton
Tell Them Who I Am--Elliot Leibow
Down and Out in America--Peter Rossi
The Mole People--Jennifer Toth
Down on Their Luck--David Snow and Leon Anderson
The Excluded Americans--William Tucker
Rude Awakenings--Richard White
A Mammal's Notebook--Erik Satie
Tramping with Tramps--Josiah Flynt
No Me Tangere--Rizal
History of the French Revolution--Carlyle
The Children of Aataentsic--Trigger
The Naked and the Dead--Norman Mailer
Catechism of the Revolution--Sergey Nachev
My Little War--Louis Paul Boon
Melancholy and Mystery of a Street--Giorgio de Chirico
Landscape with Dog and Other Stories--Ersi Sotiropoulos
The Armies--Evelio Rosero
The Melancholy of Resistance--Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Cassell's Guide to Punctuation--Loreto Todd
The Years with Ross--James Thurber
Pause & Effect--Malcome Ross
"Poetry & Grammar"--Gertrude Stein
The Medusa & the Snail--Lewis Thomas
"The Philosophy of Punctuation"--Paul Robinson
The Size of Thoughts--Nicholson Baker
You Have a Point There--Eric Partridge
Shadowplay--Norman Lock
Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes--Roland Barthes
Boyhood, Youth, Summertime--J M Coetzee
Brecht at Night--Mati unt
The Lacuna--Barbara Kingsolver
Nog--Rudolph Wurlitzer
The Cave Man--Xiaoda Xiao
Erasure--Percival Everett
The Tanners--Robert Walser
The Sri Lankan Loxodrom--Will Alexander
The MacGuffin--Stanley Elkin
The Ask--Sam Lipsyte
Jernigan--David Gates
The Mighty Angel--Jerzy Pilch
A Fan's Notes--Frederick Exley
Nowhere Man--Aleksandar Hemon
My Name is Red--Orhan Pamuk
Little Fingers--Filip Florian
All Souls, A Heart So White--Javier Marias
Devil to Pay in the Backlands--Joao Guimaraes Rosa
The Passion According to G.H.--Clarice Lispector
Angel Levine--Bernard Malamud
Night--Elie Wiesel
If This is a Man--Primo Levi
A Masque of Reason--Robert Frost
God's Favorite--Neil Simon
Job--Joseph Roth
Job: A Comedy of Justice--Robert Heinlein
On Job--Gutierrez
Blameless in Abaddon--James Morrow
The Frog Prince--Mitchell
The City of Dreadful Night--James Thomson
Still Life, The Things We Are--John Middleton Murry
In Job's Balances--Lev Shestov
The Guide for the Perplexed--Maimonides
The Harvest Gypsies--John Steinbeck
Das Kapital--Karl Marx
Down and Out in Paris and London--George Orwell
Manchild in the Promised Land--Claude Brown
Kamby Bolongo Mean River--Robert Lopez
Senselessness--Horacio Castellanos Moya
The Seventh Gate--Peter Greave
Hermes in Paris--Peter Vansittart
The Clearing--Tim Gautreaux
Redemption Falls--Joseph O'Connor
A Weakness for Almost Everything--Aldo Buzzi
A Philosophical Investigation--Philip Kerr
The Criminalist--Eugene Izzi
Bullet Heart--Michael Doane
Memoirs of the Forties, Of Love and Hunger--Julian Maclaren-Ross
The Garden at #19--Edgar Jepson
Adam Penfeather, Buccaneer--Jeffery Farnol
Flower Phantoms--Ronald Fraser
The Odyssey of Euphemia Tracy--Richmal Crompton
The Last Days of Pompeii--Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Descent into Hell--Charles Williams
The House Under the Water--Francis Brett Young
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser--Jakob Wassermann
Vagabond Adventures--Ralph Keeler
A Very Short History of the World--Geoffrey Blainey
Little Lives--John Howland Spyker
The Family Carnovsky--I. J. Singer
The Late Grate Creature--Brock Brower
Gentleman Overboard--Herbert Lewis
Life in the Crystal Palace--Alan Harrington
Delilah--Marcus Goodrich
Augustus Carp--Henry Howorth Bashford
Jew Suss--Lion Feuchtwanger
The Power of the Dog--Don Winslow
The Power of the Dog--Rudyard Kipling
The Power of the Dog--Thomas Savage
Across Paris--Marcel Ayme
Armed with Madness--Mary Butts
Lud-in-the-Mist--Hope Mirrlees
The Asiatics--Frederic Prokosch
The Curlew's Cry--Mildred Walker
The Stone Brook Quartet--Alan Garner
The Dead of the House--Hannah Green
Peace--Gene Wolfe
The Fortunate Fall--Raphael Carter
Sweet Dreams--Michael Frayn
All the Little Live Things--Wallace Stegner
The Night Country--Loren Eiseley
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes--Angus Wilson
The Horrors of Love--Jean Dutourd
Happy Moscow--Andrey Platonov
Two Kinds of Time--Graham Peck
Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne--Francis Huddleston
Revolutionary Road--Richard Yates
Mine Enemy Grows Older--Alexander King
Wrinkles--Charles Simmons
Therese Desqueyroux--Drancois Mauriac
Into the Beautiful North--Urrea
Globalization and Its Discontents--Stiglitz
Money--Emile Zola
French Ecclesial History under the Ancien Regime--John McManners
The Last of the Angels--Fadhil al-Azzawi
Love, Anger, Madness--Marie Vieux-Chauvet
Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric--Mark Amory
Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life--Philip Jose Farmer
Soul of Wood, Landscape in Concrete--Jakov Lind
The Beijing Possibilities--Jonathan Tel
The Fourth Dimension--C Howard Hinton
Chronos, Locos--Felipe Alfau
Kangaroo--Yuz Aleshkovsky
Grabinoulor--Pierre Albert Bitot
The Good Soldier Svejk--Jaroslav Hasek
The Garden Party--Katherine Mansfield
Petersburg--Andrei Bely
Frozen in Time--John Geiger
World's End--T C Boyle
Women and Men--Joseph McElroy
Zeroville--Steve Erikson
The Beetle Leg--John Hawkes
What Does Mrs Freeman Want?--Petros Abatzoglou
Giant Killer--Elmer Davis
Everything Matters!--Ron Currie Jr
The Arctic and the Rockies as Seen by a Botanist--Chung
People of the Deer--Farley Mowat
Sun and Steel--Yukio Mishima
Wonderland--Joyce Carol Oates
Mr. Pye--Mervyn Peake
Nonsense--Alan Watts
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter--Feynman
Through a Glass, Darkly--Jostein Gaarder
Notable American Women--Ben Marcus
Altmann's Tongue--Brian Evenson
The Old Man and Me--Elaine Dundy
Deadly Winter--Martyn Beardsley
Ice Blink--Scoot Cookman
Arctic Grail--Pierce Berton
Fatal Passage--Ken McGoogan
A House for Mr. Biswas--V S Naipaul
Alone--Richard Byrd
The Ants--E O Wilson
The Last Great American Hobo--Maharige and Williamson
Brothers, To Live--Yu Hua
English--Wang Gang
Escape from China--Zhang Boli
Thirty Years in a Red House--Zhu Xiao Di
Confessions--Kang Zhengguo
Vermillion Gates--Aiping Mu
The Foundation Pit--Andrey Platonov
The Great Railway Bazaar--Paul Theroux
K2: Triumph and Tragedy--Jim Curran
The Endless Knot--Kurt Diemberger
No Shortcuts to the Top--Ed Viesturs
The Hungry Ocean--Linda Greenlaw
Isaac's Storm--Erik Larson
Tinkers--Paul Harding
The Spare Room--Helen Garner
The Nest--Don Beachy-Quick
Death Raft--Alex McKee
Customer Service--Benoit Duteurtre
I'd Like--Amanda Michalopoulou
Children of Heroes--Lyonel Trouillot
Life: A User's Manual--Georges Perec
The Book of Chameleons--Jose Eduardo Agualusa
Five Spice Street--Can Xue
Girl Factory--Jim Krusoe
Drowned World, The Drought--J.G. Ballard
Wolf Hall--Hilary Mantel
Comicomics--Italo Calvino
All Aunt Hagar's Children--Edward P Jones
Goldberg: Variations--Gabriel Josipovici
Ghosts--Cesar Aira
Everything and More--David Foster Wallace
The Power of Flies--Lydie Salvayre
Saga/Circus--Lyn Hejinian
Sons and Other Flammable Objects--Porchista Khakpour
A Field Guide to Getting Lost--Rebecca Solnit
Devil Talk--Daniel Olivas
The Garden of Last Days--Andre Dubus III
Hold Tight--Harlan Coben
My Revolutions--Hari Kunzru
Serena--Ron Rash
Sharp Teeth--Toby Barlow
Unaccustomed Earth--Jhumpa Lahiri
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle--David Wroblewski
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing--M T Anderson
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County--Tiffany Baker
The Housekeeper and the Professor--Yoko Ogawa
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair--Pablo Neruda
Thousand Cranes--Yasanuri Kawabata
Fear and Trembling--Amelie Nothomb
X-Kai- Vol. 2--by Asami Tohjo
Fugitive Pieces--Ann Michaels
Life As We Knew It--Susan Beth Pfeffer
Nobody's Fool--Richard Russo
Posession, Babel Tower--A S Byatt
Reader's Block--David Markson
To the Wedding--John Berger
Two Girls, Fat and Thin--Mary Gaitskill
The Royal Family--William T Vollmann
Disgrace--J M Coetzee
The God of Small Things--Arundhati Roy
Underworld--Don DeLillo
Atonement--Ian McEwan
The Blind Assassin--Margaret Atwood
American Pastoral--Philip Roth
Austerlitz--W S Sebald
The Gold Bug Variations--Richard Powers
The Intuitionist--Colson Whitehead
Mating--Norman Rush
The Puttermesser Papers--Cynthia Ozick
The Tunnel--William Glass
White Teeth--Zadie Smith
Art and Lies--Jeanette Winterson
Burning Your Boats--Angela Carter
Caucasia--Danzy Senna
CivilWarLand in Bad Decline--George Saunders
The Corrections--Jonathan Franzen
The Elementary Particles--Michel Houellebecq
A Frolic of His Own--William Gaddis
The Hours--Michael Cunningham
Kitchen--Banana Yoshimoto
The People of Paper--Salvador Plascencia
Rex--Jose Manuel Prieto
boring boring boring boring boring boring boring--Zach Plague
Boxwood--Camilo Jose Cela
All one horse--Breyten Bretyenbach
The Easy Chain, The Lost Scrapbook--Even Dara
T Zero--Italo Calvino
Pierrot Mon Ami--Raymond Queneau
The Last Novel--David Markson
Partial List of People to Bleach--Gary Lutz
Kissed By--Alexandra Chasin
The Way Through the Doors--Jesse Bell
The Winner of Sorrow--Brian Lynch
The Great Weaver from Kashmir--Halldor Laxness
The Cutie, The Hunter--Donald Westlake
The Golden Ass--Apuleius
Invisible Cities--Italo Calvino
Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You--Chris Durang
The Immoralist--Andre Gide
The Fair Haven--Samuel Butler
Sartor Resartus--Thomas Carlyle
Ye God!--Tom Holt
Prometheus Unbound--Percy Bysshe Shelley
Orpheus Descending--Tennessee Williams
Orpheus Rising--Colin Bateman
The King Must Die--Mary Renault
Orpheus Lost--Janette Turner Hospital
Poetry and Fear--Grace Andreacchi
What A Carve-Up!--Jonathan Coe
The Sea--John Banville
Alphabetical Africa--Walter Abish
Hopscotch--Julio Cortazar
Breakfast of Champions--Kurt Vonnegut
Old Woman--Daniil Kharms
The Plague--Albert Camus
The American Dream--Edward Albee
London Fields--Martin Amis
The Swimming-Pool Library--Alan Hollinghurst
The Siege of Krishnapur--J. G. Farrell
The Leopard--Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
The Last of the Wine--Mary Renault
Disturbance--Jamie O'Neill
The Universe Next Door--Robert Anton Wilson
The Ginger Man--James Patrick Donleavy
No Laughing Matter, Poems--Anthony Cronin
Three Glimpses of Life--Patrick Kavanagh
Borstal Bay, The Quare Fellow--Brendan Behan
Athnuachan, Barbed Wire--Martin OCadhain
Return of the Hero--Darrell Figgis
Journey to the End of the Night--Louis Ferdinand Celine
Still Life with Woodpeckers--Tom Robbins
Trout Fishing in America, Abortion--Richard Brautigan
Post Office, Ham on Rye--Charles Bukowski
The Book of Fuck--Ben Myers
Vagabond Song--Bliss Carman
J R--William Gaddis
Ask the Dust--Jon Fante
Sailor Song, Sometimes a Great Notion--Ken Kesey
Theology and Social Theory--Milbank
After Virtue--Alasdair MacIntyre
Principles For a Catholic Morality--Timothy O'Connell
The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity--Richard Hooker
Disseration on Virtue--Joseph Butler
Christianizing the Social Order--Walter Rauschenbusch
The Methods of Ethics--Henry Sidgwick
Ethics and Language--C L Stevenson
The Language of Morals--R M Hare
Proportionalism--Bernard Hoose
Anarchy, State and Utopia--Robert Norzick
De Amicitia--Cicero
Chronicles of Barsetshire--Anthony Trollope
Natural Law and Natural Rights--John Finnis
Way of the Lord Jesus--Germain Grisez
Pictures from Brueghel--William Carlos Williams
Smilia's Sense of Snow--Peter Hoeg
The Book of Sand and Fog--Andre Dubus III
The Book of Salt--Monique Truong
The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love--Oscar Hijuelos
Sula--Toni Morrison
Native Speaker--Chang Rae-Lee
Obasan--Joy Kogawa
The Known World--Edward P Jones
One Man Army--Moacyr Scliar
Great Work of Time--John Crowley
Regeneration--Pat Barker
True History of the Kelly Gang--Peter Carey
Famous Last Words--Timothy Findley
We--Yevgeny Zamyatin
"Politics and the Use of Language"--Orwell
The Plot Against America--Philip Roth
A Theory of Everything--Ken Wilbur
The Dancing Wu Li Masters--Gary Zukav
The Tao of Phsyics--Fritjof Capra
Fear of Flying--Erica Jong
The Beetle Leg--John Hawkes
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions--John Donne
Foundations of the Christian Faith--Karl Rahner
The Phenomenon of Man--Teilhard de Chardin
Spring in Fialta--Nabokov
What I Believe--Tolstoy
A Distant Episode--Paul Bowles
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities--Delmore Schwartz
Hopkins the Jesuit--Alfred Thomas
A Tremor of Bliss--Paul Elie
On Moral Fiction--John Gardner
The Call of Stories--Robert Coles
French Lieutenant's Woman--John Fowles
Eleven Addresses to the Lord--John Berryman
Religion and Literature--John Updike
Confessions of a Reluctant Catholic--Alice McDermott
An American Requiem--James Carroll
The Art of Fiction--John Gardner
Story of a Soul--St Therese de Lisieux
Motorcycle Diaries--Che Guevara
On the Road--Jack Kerouac
Notes and Counter Notes--Eugene Ionesco
The Mysteries of Paris--Eugene Sue
Bless Me, Ultima--Rudolfo Anaya
Daniel Deronda--George Eliot
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Dispatches--Michael Herr
Godel's Theorem: Guide to is Use and Abuse-- Torkel Franzen
A Short Account of the History of Mathematics--W W Ball
Dance to the Music of Time--Anthony Powell
The Sound and the Fury--Faulkner
Arcadia--Tom Stoppard
Doctor Faustus--Christopher Marlowe
Mephisto--Klaus Mann
Fair-Faced, The Home and the World--Rabindranath Tagore
From A Logical Point of View--William Van Orman Quine
The White Book--Jean Cocteau
Logical Dilemmas--John Dawson
The Monadology--Gottfried Leibniz
Barbara or Piety--Franz Weifel
The Man Without Qualities--Robert Musil
Collected Works--Kurt Godel
The Emperor's New Mind--Roger Penrose
From Mathematics to Philosophy--Hao Wang
Godel's Theorem in Focus--Stuart Shanker
On Godel--Jaakko Hintikka
A Piece of my Heart, The Sportswriter--Richard Ford
The Moviegoer--Walker Percy
Light Years--James Salter
G.--John Berger
Antarctica--Claire Keegan
How to Breathe Underwater--Julie Orringer
Sam the Cat and Other Stories--Matthew Klam
The Word--Kaj Munk
Jesus: Revolutionary Biography--John D. Crossan
Presence of the Kingdom, Ethics of Freedom--Jacques Ellul
A Time to Break the Silence--Martin Luther King Jr.
The Politics of Jesus--John Howard Yoder
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger--Ronald Sider
Schools for Conversion--Ed. Rutba House
The Early Christians in their Own Words--Arnold Eberhard
The Revolt of the Angels--Anotole France
Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity--Gerd Theissen
The Long Loneliness--Dorothy Day
The World as I Remember It--Rich Mullins
Works of Love, Christian Discourses--Kierkegaard
The House of El--Howard Norman
Four Quartets--T S Eliot
The Perennial Philosophy--Aldous Huxley
The Diary of a Country Priest--Georges Bernanos
The Idiot--Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Fall of the House of Usher--Edgar Allen Poe
Computing Machinery and Intelligence--Alan Turing
Vie de Jesus--Renan
The Bach Reader--David and Mendel
Godel's Proof--James Newman
A Profile of Mathematical Logic--Howard Delong
Poems--John Donne
The Epistle to the Romans--Karl Barth
The Essence of Christianity--Ludwig Feuerbach
Zen and the Art of Archery--Eugen Herrigel
The Golden Notebook--Doris Lessing
A Worn Path--Eudora Welty
A Clean Well Lighted Place--Ernest Hemingway
The Cantos--Ezra Pound
Moses and Monotheism--Sigmund Freud
The Stripping of the Altar--Roman Duffey
City of God--St Augustine
The Complaint of Nature--Alain de Lille
The Devil is an Ass--Ben Jonson
De Miseria--Pope Innocent
Confessio Amantis--John Gower
The Heroides--Ovid
Number9Dream--David Mitchell
The Public Burning--Robert Coover
Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife--William H. Glass
Pale Fire--Vladimir Nabokov
The Sot-Weed Factor--John Barth
Gemeinschaft--F Toennies
1754 Essays: Moral, Political, Religious--David Hume
A Secular Age--Charles Taylor
Capitalism and Freedom--Milton Freidman
Middlemarch--George Elliot
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship--Goethe
Emil--J J Rousseau
The World as Will and Representation--Schopenhauer
Notes from the Underground--Fyodor Dostoevsky
Tom Jones--Henry Fielding
No Country for Old Men--Cormac McCarthy
Abelard's Ethics--Peter Abelard
On Contempt for the World--Bernard of Morlaix
On the Song of Songs--Bernard of Clairvaux
The Seasons--James Thompson
The Rise of the Novel--John Watt
Defense of Poetry--Percy Shelley
Death of a Naturalist--Seamus Heaney
What Does it Mean To Orient Oneself Thinking?--Kant
In Memory of Things Past--Marcel Proust
The Stone of Venice--John Ruskin
Linguistics and Poetics--Roman Jakobson
Biography of Burke--Connor Cruise O'Brain
The Tractatus--Ludwig Wittgenstein
Liturgy, Socialism and Life: Conrad Noel--Mark Chapman
Left to Tell--Immaculee Ilebagiza
Reflections on the Revolution in France--Edmund Burke
The Human Condition--Hanah Arendt
Discourse on the Poor--Joseph Townsend
An Essay on the Principle of Population--Robert Malthus
Annals of Agriculture--Jeremy Bentham
The Constitution of Poverty--Mitchell Dean
Autobiography--John Claire
Reveries of a Solitary Walk--J J Rousseau
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy--Etienne Gilson
Ends and Means--Huxley
My Quest for the Yeti--Reinhold Messner
Where Bigfoot Walks--Pyle
On the Track of Unknown Animals--Bernard Heuvelmans
Seeker--Jack McDevitt
The Speed of Dark--Elizabeth Moon
The Quantum Rose--Catherine Asaro
Parable of the Talents--Octavia E Butler
Slow River--Nicola Griffith
The Terminal Experiment--Robert J Sawyer
Darwin's Radio--Greg Bear
Red Mars--Kim Stanly Robinson
Doomsday Book--Connie Willis
Stations of the Tide--Michael Swanwick
The Healer's War--Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
The Falling Woman--Pat Murphy
Falling Free--Lois McMaster Bujold
Neuromancer--William Gibson
Startide Rising--David Brin
No Enemy But Time--Michael Bishop
The Claw of the Conciliator--Gene Wolfe
Timescape--Gregory Benford
The Fountains of Paradise--Arthur C Clarke
Dreamsnake--Vonda McIntyre
Man Plus--Frederik Pohl
The Forever War--Joe Haldeman
The Gods Themselves--Isaac Asimov
A Time of Changes--Robert Silverberg
Ringworld--Larry Niven
The Left Hand of Darkness--Ursula K Le Guin
Rite of Passage--Alexei Panshin
The Einstein Intersection--Samuel R Delaney
Theism and Humanism--Arthur James Balfour
Descent Into Hell--Charles Williams
The Life of Samuel Johnson--James Boswell
The Idea of the Holy--Rudolf Otto
The Prelude--William Wordsworth
The Temple--George Herbert
Le Jardin de L'Infante--Albert Samain
Autobiography--Teresa of Avila
The Biographical History of Philosophy--George H Lewes
An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding--David Hume
Hyme to Proserpine--Algernon Charles Swinburne
The Scaffold--Auguste Villiers de L'Isle Adam
Confessions--Paul Verlaine
Eugenie Grandet, Cromwell--Honore de Balzac
L'Apres-Midi d'un Faune--Stephane Mallarme
Biography of Watts--W Loftus Hare
Culture and Anarchy--Matthew Arnold
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel--George Meredith
Marius the Epicurean, Imaginary Portraits--Walter Pater
Scenes de la vie de Boheme--Henry Murger
The Ideas of the Fall and Original Sin--N P Williams
Centuries of Meditation--Traherne
Scale of Perfection--Walter Hilton
Fermat's Enigma--Simon Singh
Real Mathematical Analysis--Charles Chapman Pugh
Mathematics: The Man-Made Universe--H M Schey
On the Game of Chess--Cecellous
The Box from Japan--Harry Stephen Keeler
The Anatomy of Melancholy--Robert Burton
One of the Guys--Robert Clark Young
The Falling Man--Don DeLillo
The Irresponsible Self--James Wood
White Teeth--Zadie Smith
The Kolyma Tales--Varlam Shalamov
And Quiet Flows the Don--Michail Sholokhov
Deep Survival--Lawrence Gonzales
Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone--Immanuel Kant
Soldiers Three--Rudyard Kipling
How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude--Bob Baer
The Strayed Reveller--Matthew Arnold
Travels with a Donkey--Robert Louis Stevenson
Vanity Fair--William M Thackeray
Die Revolution--Wagner
On Freedom of the Human Will--Schopenhauer
Philosophy of Right--Hegel
The Aesthetic Education of Man--Schiller
The Sorrows of Young Werther--Goethe
Decline of the West--Oswald Spengler
DaDa--Tristan Tzara
Mankind in the Making--H G Wells
The Future of Freedom--Fareed Zacardia
It Takes a Family--Rick Santorum
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit--Sloan Wilson
Red Star Over China--Edgar Snow
Imitation of Christ--Thomas a Kempis
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy--Laurence Sterne
Naked Lunch--William Burroughs
On the Nature of the Universe--Lucretius
State of Fear--Michael Crichton
Eco-Imperialism--Paul Driessen
Joshua and the Shepherd--Joseph Girzone
Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead--Ayn Rand
In the Grip of Grace--Max Lucado
The Jesus I Never Knew--Philip Yancee
Summits and Secrets--Kurt Diemberger
The Epic of Mt Everest--Francis Younghusband
Manipulations--Harold Broadkey
Alone to Everest--Earl Denman
Everest--Walt Unsworth
The West Ridge--Tom Hornbein
The History of the Devil--Daniel Defoe
Sophie's Choice--William Styron
The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism--Max Weber
Jesus in Beijing--David Akin
One Man's Bible--Gao Xingjian
Wild Swans--Jung Chang
Veronica Decides to Die--Paollo Coelho
World's End--T C Boyle
Degeneration--Max Nordau
The Rubaiyat--Omar Khayyam
Arthur: A Pilgrim--Arthur Blessitt
The Sixteenth Round--Rubin Carter
Autobiography--Lincoln Steffens
Jurgen--James Branch Cabell
Taras Bulba--Gogal
Kristin Lavransdatter--Sigrid Undset
The Magic Mountain--Thomas Mann
Novum Organum--Francis Bacon
Scrambles Amongst the Alps--Edward Whymper
Doctor Zhivago--Boris Pasternak
The Hungry Summer--John M Campbell
A Pedestrious Tour of Four Thousand Miles--Estwick Evans
The Cruise of the Corwin--John Muir
Breaking Point--Glenn Randall
Up the Black Chalkyitsik--Edward Hoagland
A Conquest of Tibet--Sven Hedin
Strange and Dangerous Dreams--Geoff Powter
Addicted to Danger--Jack Wickwire
Untimely Thoughts--Gorky
Mad White Giant--Benedict Allen
Lord Byron's Jackal--David Crane
Trelawny, A Man's Life--Margaret Armstrong
The Adventures of a Younger Son--Edward Trelawny
Native American in the Land of the Shogun--Frederik Schodt
Seven Pillars of Widsom--T E Lawrence
The White Spider--Heinrich Harrer
Battles with Giant Fish--F A Michtell-Hedges
A Prayer for Owen Meany--John Irving
His Dark Materials--Philip Pullman
The Day of the Locust--Nathanael West
The House of Mirth--Edith Wharton
Portnoy's Complaint--Philip Roth
USA--John Dos Passos
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter--Carson McCullers
The Way of All Flesh--Samuel Butler
Under the Volcano--Malcom Lowry
A Testament of Beauty--Bridges
Autobiography--George Muller
The Spirit of Christ--Andrew Murray
Earth's Earliest Ages--G H Pember
The Unbearable Lightness of Being--Milan Kundera
Everything Is Illuminated--Johnathan Safran Foer
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Achievement--Eggers
Man's Fate--Andre Malraux
The Egoist--George Meredith
The Good Earth--Pearl Buck
Piers Plowman--William Langland
The Monk--Matthew Lewis
Three Years of Arctic Service--A W Greeley
New Lands within the Arctic Circle--Julius von Payer
A Thousand Days in the Arctic--Frederick Jackson
Narrative of the North Polar Expedition Ship Polaris--Hall
Memoirs--Hans Hendrick, trans. Dr. Rink
The Victories of Love--Coventry Patmore
Confessions--J J Rousseau
The Ice of the Siberian Sea--Aleksandr Kolchak
The Voyage of Captain Thomas James--R B Bodilly
Scott's Last Journey--Robert Falcon Scott
The Paper Chase--John Osborne Jr.
No Man's Land--Sir Martin Conway
In Northern Mists--Fridtjof Nansen
Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love--Lady Julian of Norwich
The Way to Christ--Jakob Boehme
The Alchemist, Volpone--Ben Jonson
Pensees--Blaise Pascal
Introduction to the Devout Life--Francis de Sales
The Faerie Queene--Edmund Spenser
The Humanity of God--Karl Barth
Foundations of Christian Faith--Karl Rahner
The Mind of the Maker--Dorothy Sayers
Pious and Secular America--Reinhold Niebuhr
Christ and Culture--Helmut Niebuhr
Message to Men of Thought and Science--M Maritain
A Vindication of Natural Society--Edmund Burke
Saul, Le Visions--Alphonse de Lamartine
A Dialog Between Self and Soul--W B Yeates
Pilgrim's Progess--John Bunyan
Laws of Ecclesiastes--Thomas Hooker
Summa Theologiae--Thomas Aquinas
The Third Day--Arnold Lunn
On the Freedom of a Christian--Luther
The Life of Milton--A N Wilson
Voyage of Arcturus--David Lindsey
A Case of Conscience--James Blish
Institutes of the Christian Religion--John Calvin
Orthodoxy--G. K. Chesterton
Leviathan--Thomas Hobbes
De Incarnatione--Athanasius
Ender's Game, Speaking For the Dead--Orson Scott Card
The Eternal City--Hall Caine
The Well Educated Mind--Susan Wise Bauer
The Enemies of Promise--Cryil Connolly
Contrarian Investment Strategy--David Dreman
Passage to Juneau--Raban
Maps to Anywhere--Bernard Cooper
Generation X--Douglas Coupland
Cambodia: A Book for People Who Find Television to Slow--Brian Fawcett
Stop-Time--Frank Conroy
A Fan's Notes--Frederick Exley
The Mezzanine, Pigeon Feathers--Nicholson Baker
The Book of Disquiet--Pessoa
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again--David Foster Wallace
Shuffle--Leonard Michaels
Smoking Diaries--Simon Gray
Great Topics of the World--Albert Goldbarth
A Mother in History--Jean Stafford
The Motion of Light in Water--Samuel Delaney
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon--Rebecca West
One Person and Another--Richard Stern
The Shadow, Venetian Suite--Sophie Calle
10:01--Lance Olson
Speedboat--Renata Adler
Ghosts in the Mirror--Robbe Grillet
The Unquiet Grave--Cyril Connolly
The Book of Embraces--Eduardo Galeano
A History of Bombing--Sven Lindqvist
Studies in Classic American Literature--D H Lawrence
The Queen's Throat--Wayne Koestenbaum
U & I--Nicholson Baker
Out of Sheer Rage--Geoff Dyer
Eros the Bittersweet--Anne Carson
S/Z--Roland Barthes
Gogol--V Nabokov
Proust--S Beckett
Against Interpretation--Susan Sontag
Essays of Elia--Charles Lamb
Within the Context of No Context--W S Trow
Swimming to Cambodia--Spalding Gray
Without You I'm Nothing--Sandra Bernhard
No Cure for Cancer--Denis Leary
Only the Truth is Funny--Rick Reynolds
The Lover--Duras
Boomerang--Barry Hannah
Correction--Thomas Bernhard
Immortality--Milan Kundera
Elizabeth Costello--J M Coetzee
Adolphe--Benjamin Constant
Stone Upon Stone--Wieslaw Mysliwski
I Hotel--Karen Tei Yamashita
Studies in the Art of Rat-Catching--Henry C Barkley
Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtons--John Poole
What is All This?--Stephen Dixon
Jacques the Fatalist and His Master--Denis Diderot
Aura, Terra Nostra--Carlos Fuentes
The Babysitter--Robert Coover
The History of English Prose Rhythm--George Saintsbury
The Autumn of the Patriarch--Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Obscene Bird of Night--Jose Donoso
Conversation in the Cathedral, The Green House--Mario Vargas Llosa
Three Trapped Tigers--Cabrera Infante
Paradiso--Lezama Lima
Makbara--Juan Goytisolo
Short Letter Long Farewell--Peter Handke
Wittgenstein's Nephew, Extinction--Thomas Bernhard
The Awful Mess on Via Merulana--Carlo Emilio Gadda
Close to Knives--D Wojnorowicz
Les Nuits de Paris--Restif de la Bretonne
Paris Peasants--Louis Aragon
Street Haunting--Virginia Wolf
Chromos--Felipe Alfay
The Prince of Darkness--J F Powers
From Cubism to Suprematism--Kazimir Malevich
Beggar's Opera, Trivia--John Gay
The Uncommercial Traveler--Charles
Arcades Project--Walter Benjamin
Mohicans du Paris--Alexander Dumas
Nadja--Andre Breton
The Cult of the Serpent--Balaji Mundkur
The Biophilia Hypothesis--Wilson and Kellert
Biophilia--A O Wilson
Discourse on Method--Descartes
Six Walks in Fictional Woods--Umberto Eco
Steps on Life's Way--Soren Kierkegaard
A Tomb for Boris Davidovich--Danilo Kis
Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf--John Muir
Tramps Across the Continent--Charles Lumis
Tracks--Robyn Davidson
Roads to Sato--Alan Booth
The Way of the Pilgrim
Diary of Climbing Mt Sinai--Egeria
Conquistadors of the Useless--Lionel Terray
The Mountain of My Fear--David Roberts
Shank's Pony--Morris Marples
Walking Up and Down in the World--Smoke Blanchard
The Narrow Road to the Deep North--Ba Sho
Mountains and Rivers without End--Gary Snyder
I Heard You Paint Houses--Charles Brandt
Death and Life in Great American Cities--Jane Jacobs
The Pathless Way--Michael Cohen
I Travel By Train--Rollo Walter Brown
The Job Hunter--Allen R Dodd Jr
The Poetry Lesson--Andrei Codrescu
A Need for Roots, Gravity and Grace--Simone Weil
Inequality Reexamined--Amartya Sen
World as I Found It--Bruce Duffy
Reality Hunger--Daniel Shields
The Gentle Art of Tramping--Stephen Graham
A Naked Singularity--Sergio De La Pava
The Art of Memory--Francis Yates
In Search of Lost Time--Marcel Proust
Touching the Rock--John M Tull
In the Palaces of Memory--George Johnson
Pentimento--Lillian Hellman
House of Leaves--Mark Danielewski
As I Remember Him--Hans Zinsser
The Man with a Shattered World, The Mind of the Mnemonist--Luria
Division Street: America--Studs Terkel
The Wretched of the Earth--Fanon
Reflections on Violence--Sorel
The Warriors--J Glenn Gray
Jakob von Gunten--Robert Walser
I Am a Cat--Natsume Soseki
Confessions of Zeno, As a Man Grows Older--Suevo
Too Loud a Solitude--Hrabal
Journey Around My Room--Xavier de Maistre
Max Havelaar--Multatuli
The Very Strange and Exact Truth--Ben Piazza
The Wonder-Worker--Dan Jacobson
The Theory of the Leisure Class--Thorstein Veblen
Regarding the Pain of Others--Susan Sontag
Teachings of Don Juan--Carlos Castenada
Meetings with Remarkable Men--G I Gurdseiv
New Model of the Universe--P D Ospensky
Crazy about Bellingham--Dan Carrigan
Disaffiliated Man--Bogue
The Hobo: Sociology of the Homeless Man--Nels Anderson
Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression, Leopards in the Temple--Morris Dickstein
The Weather Fifteen Years Ago--Wolf Haas
Other Electricities--Ander Monson
The Aesthetic of Resistance--Peter Weiss
At the Mind's Limit--Jean Amery
Retribution--Gert Ledig
The Law of War--Jorg Friedrich
Nekyia--Hans Erich Nossack
The City Beyond the River--Hermann Kasack
The Air Raid on Halberstadt--Alexander Kluge
The Body of Pain--Elaine Scarry
The Angel Was Silent--Heinrich Boll
Images in Spite of All--Georges Didi-Huberman
The Civil Contract of Photography--Ariella Azoulay
Language Made Plain--Anthony Burgess
The System of Vienna--Gert Jonke
Martin Eden, Burning Daylight, The Star Rover, John Barleycorn--Jack London
You Have Seen Their Faces--Erskine Caldwell
Writing on the Wall Trilogy--Miklos Banffy
A Holy Tradition of Working--Eric Gill
The Personalist Manifesto--Emmanuel Mounier
The Autobiography of a Catholic Anarchist--Ammon Hennacy
Nazareth or Social Chaos--Fr Vincent McNabb
Over the Edge--Martha Burt
New Homeless and Old--Charles Hoch and Robert Slayton
Tell Them Who I Am--Elliot Leibow
Down and Out in America--Peter Rossi
The Mole People--Jennifer Toth
Down on Their Luck--David Snow and Leon Anderson
The Excluded Americans--William Tucker
Rude Awakenings--Richard White
A Mammal's Notebook--Erik Satie
Tramping with Tramps--Josiah Flynt
No Me Tangere--Rizal
History of the French Revolution--Carlyle
The Children of Aataentsic--Trigger
The Naked and the Dead--Norman Mailer
Catechism of the Revolution--Sergey Nachev
My Little War--Louis Paul Boon
Melancholy and Mystery of a Street--Giorgio de Chirico
Landscape with Dog and Other Stories--Ersi Sotiropoulos
The Armies--Evelio Rosero
The Melancholy of Resistance--Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Cassell's Guide to Punctuation--Loreto Todd
The Years with Ross--James Thurber
Pause & Effect--Malcome Ross
"Poetry & Grammar"--Gertrude Stein
The Medusa & the Snail--Lewis Thomas
"The Philosophy of Punctuation"--Paul Robinson
The Size of Thoughts--Nicholson Baker
You Have a Point There--Eric Partridge
Shadowplay--Norman Lock
Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes--Roland Barthes
Boyhood, Youth, Summertime--J M Coetzee
Brecht at Night--Mati unt
The Lacuna--Barbara Kingsolver
Nog--Rudolph Wurlitzer
The Cave Man--Xiaoda Xiao
Erasure--Percival Everett
The Tanners--Robert Walser
The Sri Lankan Loxodrom--Will Alexander
The MacGuffin--Stanley Elkin
The Ask--Sam Lipsyte
Jernigan--David Gates
The Mighty Angel--Jerzy Pilch
A Fan's Notes--Frederick Exley
Nowhere Man--Aleksandar Hemon
My Name is Red--Orhan Pamuk
Little Fingers--Filip Florian
All Souls, A Heart So White--Javier Marias
Devil to Pay in the Backlands--Joao Guimaraes Rosa
The Passion According to G.H.--Clarice Lispector
Angel Levine--Bernard Malamud
Night--Elie Wiesel
If This is a Man--Primo Levi
A Masque of Reason--Robert Frost
God's Favorite--Neil Simon
Job--Joseph Roth
Job: A Comedy of Justice--Robert Heinlein
On Job--Gutierrez
Blameless in Abaddon--James Morrow
The Frog Prince--Mitchell
The City of Dreadful Night--James Thomson
Still Life, The Things We Are--John Middleton Murry
In Job's Balances--Lev Shestov
The Guide for the Perplexed--Maimonides
The Harvest Gypsies--John Steinbeck
Das Kapital--Karl Marx
Down and Out in Paris and London--George Orwell
Manchild in the Promised Land--Claude Brown
Kamby Bolongo Mean River--Robert Lopez
Senselessness--Horacio Castellanos Moya
The Seventh Gate--Peter Greave
Hermes in Paris--Peter Vansittart
The Clearing--Tim Gautreaux
Redemption Falls--Joseph O'Connor
A Weakness for Almost Everything--Aldo Buzzi
A Philosophical Investigation--Philip Kerr
The Criminalist--Eugene Izzi
Bullet Heart--Michael Doane
Memoirs of the Forties, Of Love and Hunger--Julian Maclaren-Ross
The Garden at #19--Edgar Jepson
Adam Penfeather, Buccaneer--Jeffery Farnol
Flower Phantoms--Ronald Fraser
The Odyssey of Euphemia Tracy--Richmal Crompton
The Last Days of Pompeii--Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Descent into Hell--Charles Williams
The House Under the Water--Francis Brett Young
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser--Jakob Wassermann
Vagabond Adventures--Ralph Keeler
A Very Short History of the World--Geoffrey Blainey
Little Lives--John Howland Spyker
The Family Carnovsky--I. J. Singer
The Late Grate Creature--Brock Brower
Gentleman Overboard--Herbert Lewis
Life in the Crystal Palace--Alan Harrington
Delilah--Marcus Goodrich
Augustus Carp--Henry Howorth Bashford
Jew Suss--Lion Feuchtwanger
The Power of the Dog--Don Winslow
The Power of the Dog--Rudyard Kipling
The Power of the Dog--Thomas Savage
Across Paris--Marcel Ayme
Armed with Madness--Mary Butts
Lud-in-the-Mist--Hope Mirrlees
The Asiatics--Frederic Prokosch
The Curlew's Cry--Mildred Walker
The Stone Brook Quartet--Alan Garner
The Dead of the House--Hannah Green
Peace--Gene Wolfe
The Fortunate Fall--Raphael Carter
Sweet Dreams--Michael Frayn
All the Little Live Things--Wallace Stegner
The Night Country--Loren Eiseley
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes--Angus Wilson
The Horrors of Love--Jean Dutourd
Happy Moscow--Andrey Platonov
Two Kinds of Time--Graham Peck
Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne--Francis Huddleston
Revolutionary Road--Richard Yates
Mine Enemy Grows Older--Alexander King
Wrinkles--Charles Simmons
Therese Desqueyroux--Drancois Mauriac
Into the Beautiful North--Urrea
Globalization and Its Discontents--Stiglitz
Money--Emile Zola
French Ecclesial History under the Ancien Regime--John McManners
The Last of the Angels--Fadhil al-Azzawi
Love, Anger, Madness--Marie Vieux-Chauvet
Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric--Mark Amory
Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life--Philip Jose Farmer
Soul of Wood, Landscape in Concrete--Jakov Lind
The Beijing Possibilities--Jonathan Tel
The Fourth Dimension--C Howard Hinton
Chronos, Locos--Felipe Alfau
Kangaroo--Yuz Aleshkovsky
Grabinoulor--Pierre Albert Bitot
The Good Soldier Svejk--Jaroslav Hasek
The Garden Party--Katherine Mansfield
Petersburg--Andrei Bely
Frozen in Time--John Geiger
World's End--T C Boyle
Women and Men--Joseph McElroy
Zeroville--Steve Erikson
The Beetle Leg--John Hawkes
What Does Mrs Freeman Want?--Petros Abatzoglou
Giant Killer--Elmer Davis
Everything Matters!--Ron Currie Jr
The Arctic and the Rockies as Seen by a Botanist--Chung
People of the Deer--Farley Mowat
Sun and Steel--Yukio Mishima
Wonderland--Joyce Carol Oates
Mr. Pye--Mervyn Peake
Nonsense--Alan Watts
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter--Feynman
Through a Glass, Darkly--Jostein Gaarder
Notable American Women--Ben Marcus
Altmann's Tongue--Brian Evenson
The Old Man and Me--Elaine Dundy
Deadly Winter--Martyn Beardsley
Ice Blink--Scoot Cookman
Arctic Grail--Pierce Berton
Fatal Passage--Ken McGoogan
A House for Mr. Biswas--V S Naipaul
Alone--Richard Byrd
The Ants--E O Wilson
The Last Great American Hobo--Maharige and Williamson
Brothers, To Live--Yu Hua
English--Wang Gang
Escape from China--Zhang Boli
Thirty Years in a Red House--Zhu Xiao Di
Confessions--Kang Zhengguo
Vermillion Gates--Aiping Mu
The Foundation Pit--Andrey Platonov
The Great Railway Bazaar--Paul Theroux
K2: Triumph and Tragedy--Jim Curran
The Endless Knot--Kurt Diemberger
No Shortcuts to the Top--Ed Viesturs
The Hungry Ocean--Linda Greenlaw
Isaac's Storm--Erik Larson
Tinkers--Paul Harding
The Spare Room--Helen Garner
The Nest--Don Beachy-Quick
Death Raft--Alex McKee
Customer Service--Benoit Duteurtre
I'd Like--Amanda Michalopoulou
Children of Heroes--Lyonel Trouillot
Life: A User's Manual--Georges Perec
The Book of Chameleons--Jose Eduardo Agualusa
Five Spice Street--Can Xue
Girl Factory--Jim Krusoe
Drowned World, The Drought--J.G. Ballard
Wolf Hall--Hilary Mantel
Comicomics--Italo Calvino
All Aunt Hagar's Children--Edward P Jones
Goldberg: Variations--Gabriel Josipovici
Ghosts--Cesar Aira
Everything and More--David Foster Wallace
The Power of Flies--Lydie Salvayre
Saga/Circus--Lyn Hejinian
Sons and Other Flammable Objects--Porchista Khakpour
A Field Guide to Getting Lost--Rebecca Solnit
Devil Talk--Daniel Olivas
The Garden of Last Days--Andre Dubus III
Hold Tight--Harlan Coben
My Revolutions--Hari Kunzru
Serena--Ron Rash
Sharp Teeth--Toby Barlow
Unaccustomed Earth--Jhumpa Lahiri
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle--David Wroblewski
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing--M T Anderson
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County--Tiffany Baker
The Housekeeper and the Professor--Yoko Ogawa
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair--Pablo Neruda
Thousand Cranes--Yasanuri Kawabata
Fear and Trembling--Amelie Nothomb
X-Kai- Vol. 2--by Asami Tohjo
Fugitive Pieces--Ann Michaels
Life As We Knew It--Susan Beth Pfeffer
Nobody's Fool--Richard Russo
Posession, Babel Tower--A S Byatt
Reader's Block--David Markson
To the Wedding--John Berger
Two Girls, Fat and Thin--Mary Gaitskill
The Royal Family--William T Vollmann
Disgrace--J M Coetzee
The God of Small Things--Arundhati Roy
Underworld--Don DeLillo
Atonement--Ian McEwan
The Blind Assassin--Margaret Atwood
American Pastoral--Philip Roth
Austerlitz--W S Sebald
The Gold Bug Variations--Richard Powers
The Intuitionist--Colson Whitehead
Mating--Norman Rush
The Puttermesser Papers--Cynthia Ozick
The Tunnel--William Glass
White Teeth--Zadie Smith
Art and Lies--Jeanette Winterson
Burning Your Boats--Angela Carter
Caucasia--Danzy Senna
CivilWarLand in Bad Decline--George Saunders
The Corrections--Jonathan Franzen
The Elementary Particles--Michel Houellebecq
A Frolic of His Own--William Gaddis
The Hours--Michael Cunningham
Kitchen--Banana Yoshimoto
The People of Paper--Salvador Plascencia
Rex--Jose Manuel Prieto
boring boring boring boring boring boring boring--Zach Plague
Boxwood--Camilo Jose Cela
All one horse--Breyten Bretyenbach
The Easy Chain, The Lost Scrapbook--Even Dara
T Zero--Italo Calvino
Pierrot Mon Ami--Raymond Queneau
The Last Novel--David Markson
Partial List of People to Bleach--Gary Lutz
Kissed By--Alexandra Chasin
The Way Through the Doors--Jesse Bell
The Winner of Sorrow--Brian Lynch
The Great Weaver from Kashmir--Halldor Laxness
The Cutie, The Hunter--Donald Westlake
The Golden Ass--Apuleius
Invisible Cities--Italo Calvino
Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You--Chris Durang
The Immoralist--Andre Gide
The Fair Haven--Samuel Butler
Sartor Resartus--Thomas Carlyle
Ye God!--Tom Holt
Prometheus Unbound--Percy Bysshe Shelley
Orpheus Descending--Tennessee Williams
Orpheus Rising--Colin Bateman
The King Must Die--Mary Renault
Orpheus Lost--Janette Turner Hospital
Poetry and Fear--Grace Andreacchi
What A Carve-Up!--Jonathan Coe
The Sea--John Banville
Alphabetical Africa--Walter Abish
Hopscotch--Julio Cortazar
Breakfast of Champions--Kurt Vonnegut
Old Woman--Daniil Kharms
The Plague--Albert Camus
The American Dream--Edward Albee
London Fields--Martin Amis
The Swimming-Pool Library--Alan Hollinghurst
The Siege of Krishnapur--J. G. Farrell
The Leopard--Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
The Last of the Wine--Mary Renault
Disturbance--Jamie O'Neill
The Universe Next Door--Robert Anton Wilson
The Ginger Man--James Patrick Donleavy
No Laughing Matter, Poems--Anthony Cronin
Three Glimpses of Life--Patrick Kavanagh
Borstal Bay, The Quare Fellow--Brendan Behan
Athnuachan, Barbed Wire--Martin OCadhain
Return of the Hero--Darrell Figgis
Journey to the End of the Night--Louis Ferdinand Celine
Still Life with Woodpeckers--Tom Robbins
Trout Fishing in America, Abortion--Richard Brautigan
Post Office, Ham on Rye--Charles Bukowski
The Book of Fuck--Ben Myers
Vagabond Song--Bliss Carman
J R--William Gaddis
Ask the Dust--Jon Fante
Sailor Song, Sometimes a Great Notion--Ken Kesey
Theology and Social Theory--Milbank
After Virtue--Alasdair MacIntyre
Principles For a Catholic Morality--Timothy O'Connell
The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity--Richard Hooker
Disseration on Virtue--Joseph Butler
Christianizing the Social Order--Walter Rauschenbusch
The Methods of Ethics--Henry Sidgwick
Ethics and Language--C L Stevenson
The Language of Morals--R M Hare
Proportionalism--Bernard Hoose
Anarchy, State and Utopia--Robert Norzick
De Amicitia--Cicero
Chronicles of Barsetshire--Anthony Trollope
Natural Law and Natural Rights--John Finnis
Way of the Lord Jesus--Germain Grisez
Pictures from Brueghel--William Carlos Williams
Smilia's Sense of Snow--Peter Hoeg
The Book of Sand and Fog--Andre Dubus III
The Book of Salt--Monique Truong
The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love--Oscar Hijuelos
Sula--Toni Morrison
Native Speaker--Chang Rae-Lee
Obasan--Joy Kogawa
The Known World--Edward P Jones
One Man Army--Moacyr Scliar
Great Work of Time--John Crowley
Regeneration--Pat Barker
True History of the Kelly Gang--Peter Carey
Famous Last Words--Timothy Findley
We--Yevgeny Zamyatin
"Politics and the Use of Language"--Orwell
The Plot Against America--Philip Roth
A Theory of Everything--Ken Wilbur
The Dancing Wu Li Masters--Gary Zukav
The Tao of Phsyics--Fritjof Capra
Fear of Flying--Erica Jong
The Beetle Leg--John Hawkes
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions--John Donne
Foundations of the Christian Faith--Karl Rahner
The Phenomenon of Man--Teilhard de Chardin
Spring in Fialta--Nabokov
What I Believe--Tolstoy
A Distant Episode--Paul Bowles
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities--Delmore Schwartz
Hopkins the Jesuit--Alfred Thomas
A Tremor of Bliss--Paul Elie
On Moral Fiction--John Gardner
The Call of Stories--Robert Coles
French Lieutenant's Woman--John Fowles
Eleven Addresses to the Lord--John Berryman
Religion and Literature--John Updike
Confessions of a Reluctant Catholic--Alice McDermott
An American Requiem--James Carroll
The Art of Fiction--John Gardner
Story of a Soul--St Therese de Lisieux
Motorcycle Diaries--Che Guevara
On the Road--Jack Kerouac
Notes and Counter Notes--Eugene Ionesco
The Mysteries of Paris--Eugene Sue
Bless Me, Ultima--Rudolfo Anaya
Daniel Deronda--George Eliot
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Dispatches--Michael Herr
Godel's Theorem: Guide to is Use and Abuse-- Torkel Franzen
A Short Account of the History of Mathematics--W W Ball
Dance to the Music of Time--Anthony Powell
The Sound and the Fury--Faulkner
Arcadia--Tom Stoppard
Doctor Faustus--Christopher Marlowe
Mephisto--Klaus Mann
Fair-Faced, The Home and the World--Rabindranath Tagore
From A Logical Point of View--William Van Orman Quine
The White Book--Jean Cocteau
Logical Dilemmas--John Dawson
The Monadology--Gottfried Leibniz
Barbara or Piety--Franz Weifel
The Man Without Qualities--Robert Musil
Collected Works--Kurt Godel
The Emperor's New Mind--Roger Penrose
From Mathematics to Philosophy--Hao Wang
Godel's Theorem in Focus--Stuart Shanker
On Godel--Jaakko Hintikka
A Piece of my Heart, The Sportswriter--Richard Ford
The Moviegoer--Walker Percy
Light Years--James Salter
G.--John Berger
Antarctica--Claire Keegan
How to Breathe Underwater--Julie Orringer
Sam the Cat and Other Stories--Matthew Klam
The Word--Kaj Munk
Jesus: Revolutionary Biography--John D. Crossan
Presence of the Kingdom, Ethics of Freedom--Jacques Ellul
A Time to Break the Silence--Martin Luther King Jr.
The Politics of Jesus--John Howard Yoder
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger--Ronald Sider
Schools for Conversion--Ed. Rutba House
The Early Christians in their Own Words--Arnold Eberhard
The Revolt of the Angels--Anotole France
Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity--Gerd Theissen
The Long Loneliness--Dorothy Day
The World as I Remember It--Rich Mullins
Works of Love, Christian Discourses--Kierkegaard
The House of El--Howard Norman
Four Quartets--T S Eliot
The Perennial Philosophy--Aldous Huxley
The Diary of a Country Priest--Georges Bernanos
The Idiot--Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Fall of the House of Usher--Edgar Allen Poe
Computing Machinery and Intelligence--Alan Turing
Vie de Jesus--Renan
The Bach Reader--David and Mendel
Godel's Proof--James Newman
A Profile of Mathematical Logic--Howard Delong
Poems--John Donne
The Epistle to the Romans--Karl Barth
The Essence of Christianity--Ludwig Feuerbach
Zen and the Art of Archery--Eugen Herrigel
The Golden Notebook--Doris Lessing
A Worn Path--Eudora Welty
A Clean Well Lighted Place--Ernest Hemingway
The Cantos--Ezra Pound
Moses and Monotheism--Sigmund Freud
The Stripping of the Altar--Roman Duffey
City of God--St Augustine
The Complaint of Nature--Alain de Lille
The Devil is an Ass--Ben Jonson
De Miseria--Pope Innocent
Confessio Amantis--John Gower
The Heroides--Ovid
Number9Dream--David Mitchell
The Public Burning--Robert Coover
Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife--William H. Glass
Pale Fire--Vladimir Nabokov
The Sot-Weed Factor--John Barth
Gemeinschaft--F Toennies
1754 Essays: Moral, Political, Religious--David Hume
A Secular Age--Charles Taylor
Capitalism and Freedom--Milton Freidman
Middlemarch--George Elliot
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship--Goethe
Emil--J J Rousseau
The World as Will and Representation--Schopenhauer
Notes from the Underground--Fyodor Dostoevsky
Tom Jones--Henry Fielding
No Country for Old Men--Cormac McCarthy
Abelard's Ethics--Peter Abelard
On Contempt for the World--Bernard of Morlaix
On the Song of Songs--Bernard of Clairvaux
The Seasons--James Thompson
The Rise of the Novel--John Watt
Defense of Poetry--Percy Shelley
Death of a Naturalist--Seamus Heaney
What Does it Mean To Orient Oneself Thinking?--Kant
In Memory of Things Past--Marcel Proust
The Stone of Venice--John Ruskin
Linguistics and Poetics--Roman Jakobson
Biography of Burke--Connor Cruise O'Brain
The Tractatus--Ludwig Wittgenstein
Liturgy, Socialism and Life: Conrad Noel--Mark Chapman
Left to Tell--Immaculee Ilebagiza
Reflections on the Revolution in France--Edmund Burke
The Human Condition--Hanah Arendt
Discourse on the Poor--Joseph Townsend
An Essay on the Principle of Population--Robert Malthus
Annals of Agriculture--Jeremy Bentham
The Constitution of Poverty--Mitchell Dean
Autobiography--John Claire
Reveries of a Solitary Walk--J J Rousseau
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy--Etienne Gilson
Ends and Means--Huxley
My Quest for the Yeti--Reinhold Messner
Where Bigfoot Walks--Pyle
On the Track of Unknown Animals--Bernard Heuvelmans
Seeker--Jack McDevitt
The Speed of Dark--Elizabeth Moon
The Quantum Rose--Catherine Asaro
Parable of the Talents--Octavia E Butler
Slow River--Nicola Griffith
The Terminal Experiment--Robert J Sawyer
Darwin's Radio--Greg Bear
Red Mars--Kim Stanly Robinson
Doomsday Book--Connie Willis
Stations of the Tide--Michael Swanwick
The Healer's War--Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
The Falling Woman--Pat Murphy
Falling Free--Lois McMaster Bujold
Neuromancer--William Gibson
Startide Rising--David Brin
No Enemy But Time--Michael Bishop
The Claw of the Conciliator--Gene Wolfe
Timescape--Gregory Benford
The Fountains of Paradise--Arthur C Clarke
Dreamsnake--Vonda McIntyre
Man Plus--Frederik Pohl
The Forever War--Joe Haldeman
The Gods Themselves--Isaac Asimov
A Time of Changes--Robert Silverberg
Ringworld--Larry Niven
The Left Hand of Darkness--Ursula K Le Guin
Rite of Passage--Alexei Panshin
The Einstein Intersection--Samuel R Delaney
Theism and Humanism--Arthur James Balfour
Descent Into Hell--Charles Williams
The Life of Samuel Johnson--James Boswell
The Idea of the Holy--Rudolf Otto
The Prelude--William Wordsworth
The Temple--George Herbert
Le Jardin de L'Infante--Albert Samain
Autobiography--Teresa of Avila
The Biographical History of Philosophy--George H Lewes
An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding--David Hume
Hyme to Proserpine--Algernon Charles Swinburne
The Scaffold--Auguste Villiers de L'Isle Adam
Confessions--Paul Verlaine
Eugenie Grandet, Cromwell--Honore de Balzac
L'Apres-Midi d'un Faune--Stephane Mallarme
Biography of Watts--W Loftus Hare
Culture and Anarchy--Matthew Arnold
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel--George Meredith
Marius the Epicurean, Imaginary Portraits--Walter Pater
Scenes de la vie de Boheme--Henry Murger
The Ideas of the Fall and Original Sin--N P Williams
Centuries of Meditation--Traherne
Scale of Perfection--Walter Hilton
Fermat's Enigma--Simon Singh
Real Mathematical Analysis--Charles Chapman Pugh
Mathematics: The Man-Made Universe--H M Schey
On the Game of Chess--Cecellous
The Box from Japan--Harry Stephen Keeler
The Anatomy of Melancholy--Robert Burton
One of the Guys--Robert Clark Young
The Falling Man--Don DeLillo
The Irresponsible Self--James Wood
White Teeth--Zadie Smith
The Kolyma Tales--Varlam Shalamov
And Quiet Flows the Don--Michail Sholokhov
Deep Survival--Lawrence Gonzales
Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone--Immanuel Kant
Soldiers Three--Rudyard Kipling
How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude--Bob Baer
The Strayed Reveller--Matthew Arnold
Travels with a Donkey--Robert Louis Stevenson
Vanity Fair--William M Thackeray
Die Revolution--Wagner
On Freedom of the Human Will--Schopenhauer
Philosophy of Right--Hegel
The Aesthetic Education of Man--Schiller
The Sorrows of Young Werther--Goethe
Decline of the West--Oswald Spengler
DaDa--Tristan Tzara
Mankind in the Making--H G Wells
The Future of Freedom--Fareed Zacardia
It Takes a Family--Rick Santorum
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit--Sloan Wilson
Red Star Over China--Edgar Snow
Imitation of Christ--Thomas a Kempis
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy--Laurence Sterne
Naked Lunch--William Burroughs
On the Nature of the Universe--Lucretius
State of Fear--Michael Crichton
Eco-Imperialism--Paul Driessen
Joshua and the Shepherd--Joseph Girzone
Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead--Ayn Rand
In the Grip of Grace--Max Lucado
The Jesus I Never Knew--Philip Yancee
Summits and Secrets--Kurt Diemberger
The Epic of Mt Everest--Francis Younghusband
Manipulations--Harold Broadkey
Alone to Everest--Earl Denman
Everest--Walt Unsworth
The West Ridge--Tom Hornbein
The History of the Devil--Daniel Defoe
Sophie's Choice--William Styron
The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism--Max Weber
Jesus in Beijing--David Akin
One Man's Bible--Gao Xingjian
Wild Swans--Jung Chang
Veronica Decides to Die--Paollo Coelho
World's End--T C Boyle
Degeneration--Max Nordau
The Rubaiyat--Omar Khayyam
Arthur: A Pilgrim--Arthur Blessitt
The Sixteenth Round--Rubin Carter
Autobiography--Lincoln Steffens
Jurgen--James Branch Cabell
Taras Bulba--Gogal
Kristin Lavransdatter--Sigrid Undset
The Magic Mountain--Thomas Mann
Novum Organum--Francis Bacon
Scrambles Amongst the Alps--Edward Whymper
Doctor Zhivago--Boris Pasternak
The Hungry Summer--John M Campbell
A Pedestrious Tour of Four Thousand Miles--Estwick Evans
The Cruise of the Corwin--John Muir
Breaking Point--Glenn Randall
Up the Black Chalkyitsik--Edward Hoagland
A Conquest of Tibet--Sven Hedin
Strange and Dangerous Dreams--Geoff Powter
Addicted to Danger--Jack Wickwire
Untimely Thoughts--Gorky
Mad White Giant--Benedict Allen
Lord Byron's Jackal--David Crane
Trelawny, A Man's Life--Margaret Armstrong
The Adventures of a Younger Son--Edward Trelawny
Native American in the Land of the Shogun--Frederik Schodt
Seven Pillars of Widsom--T E Lawrence
The White Spider--Heinrich Harrer
Battles with Giant Fish--F A Michtell-Hedges
A Prayer for Owen Meany--John Irving
His Dark Materials--Philip Pullman
The Day of the Locust--Nathanael West
The House of Mirth--Edith Wharton
Portnoy's Complaint--Philip Roth
USA--John Dos Passos
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter--Carson McCullers
The Way of All Flesh--Samuel Butler
Under the Volcano--Malcom Lowry
A Testament of Beauty--Bridges
Autobiography--George Muller
The Spirit of Christ--Andrew Murray
Earth's Earliest Ages--G H Pember
The Unbearable Lightness of Being--Milan Kundera
Everything Is Illuminated--Johnathan Safran Foer
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Achievement--Eggers
Man's Fate--Andre Malraux
The Egoist--George Meredith
The Good Earth--Pearl Buck
Piers Plowman--William Langland
The Monk--Matthew Lewis
Three Years of Arctic Service--A W Greeley
New Lands within the Arctic Circle--Julius von Payer
A Thousand Days in the Arctic--Frederick Jackson
Narrative of the North Polar Expedition Ship Polaris--Hall
Memoirs--Hans Hendrick, trans. Dr. Rink
The Victories of Love--Coventry Patmore
Confessions--J J Rousseau
The Ice of the Siberian Sea--Aleksandr Kolchak
The Voyage of Captain Thomas James--R B Bodilly
Scott's Last Journey--Robert Falcon Scott
The Paper Chase--John Osborne Jr.
No Man's Land--Sir Martin Conway
In Northern Mists--Fridtjof Nansen
Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love--Lady Julian of Norwich
The Way to Christ--Jakob Boehme
The Alchemist, Volpone--Ben Jonson
Pensees--Blaise Pascal
Introduction to the Devout Life--Francis de Sales
The Faerie Queene--Edmund Spenser
The Humanity of God--Karl Barth
Foundations of Christian Faith--Karl Rahner
The Mind of the Maker--Dorothy Sayers
Pious and Secular America--Reinhold Niebuhr
Christ and Culture--Helmut Niebuhr
Message to Men of Thought and Science--M Maritain
A Vindication of Natural Society--Edmund Burke
Saul, Le Visions--Alphonse de Lamartine
A Dialog Between Self and Soul--W B Yeates
Pilgrim's Progess--John Bunyan
Laws of Ecclesiastes--Thomas Hooker
Summa Theologiae--Thomas Aquinas
The Third Day--Arnold Lunn
On the Freedom of a Christian--Luther
The Life of Milton--A N Wilson
Voyage of Arcturus--David Lindsey
A Case of Conscience--James Blish
Institutes of the Christian Religion--John Calvin
Orthodoxy--G. K. Chesterton
Leviathan--Thomas Hobbes
De Incarnatione--Athanasius
Ender's Game, Speaking For the Dead--Orson Scott Card
The Eternal City--Hall Caine
The Well Educated Mind--Susan Wise Bauer
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